Monday, September 28, 2015

Gilgamesh Episodes

I would summarize the epic of Gilgamesh into seven episodes. The first episode I would call "the problem". This is when Gilgamesh was overbearing, and the people pleaded for his rival. There was a need for someone to match his power because his pride was out of control. The second episode I would call "Friendship." This is when Enkidu and Gilgamesh first of all wrestle in the streets. However, after that they end up joining forces, and plan to defeat Humababa. The next episode I would call, "The battle." The beginning part of this is Enkidu and Gilgamesh journeying to the Pine Forest where they will fight Humbaba. They end up defeating him, and head back home. The next episode would be, "The return." This is when Enkidu and Gilgamesh come back from fighting Humbaba, and they end up having to fight the bull of Heaven. This is because Gilgamesh's pride again gets out of control, and he won't take Ishtar the goddess for his wife, and moves on to insult her. She sends the bull of heaven on them after that. I would call the next episode "Lament". This is when Enkidu dies  because the gods decide that one of them shouldn't live, and Gilgamesh starts to mourn, and wander the country. The next episode would be "Immortality." This is when Gilgamesh resolves to go and try and find immortality as he is afraid of his own demise, so he visits Ut-Napishtim who gives him challenges to prove that he is worthy of immortality. He fails. The last episode is "Back from the dead." Enkidu makes it out of the underworld to be rejoined with Gilgamesh.

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