Book 2 of the Aeneid is Aeneas' retelling of the Trojan war to all of the banquet members. He tells first of how the Greeks had made a massive horse as a "gift" to the Trojans. They were persuaded to accept it by Sinon. however, the horse was really holding many Greek troops, so when the horse was in the city, they jumped out and massacred the town, including king Priam and his family. Then, Aeneas sees helen in a vision, and realizes how this is all her fault, and decides to kill her. However, before he sets out to do so, his mother, Venus, appears to him, and tells him to leave the city immediately.
Aeneid goes to his father's house to bring him along with him as he escapes. His father will not come until there appears a sign, which is a tongue of fire on Aeneas' head, at which point they both agree to set out. Aeneas takes his wife and child with them on their escape, however his wife gets left behind in all the commotion. Aeneas runs back into the city to find her, only to find that she is dead, and he encounters her ghost. The ghost of his wife tells him to keep running from the city, and that his destiny belongs elsewhere.
A punchy, pithy summary, Jonny!