Monday, May 2, 2016

Aeneid Book 10 and 11 Questions

Compare and contrast the appeals of Venus and Juno.

       The appeals of Venus are mainly different in that Venus is level-headed in her speech, while Juno flies off the handle and is overcome with anger. Venus shows Zeus how the Rutulians are inside Trojan walls already, and of all the bloodshed. She appeals to give Ascanius safe passage, and the power to shield Aeneas. This is a very compelling argument because she shows the tragedy that has befallen the Trojans, and she also shows her compassion towards her son and grandson. Juno on the other hand starts with an outburst of anger, and her argument consists mainly of many questions. She gives many statements saying that she did not do something, but she offers up no support to her argument. We can see an example of this on page 296, Virgil writes, "IS it I who try to overwhelm from the roots up your sinking Phrygian state? Not I!" She also claims that she was not the one who drove Aeneas to ruin, when in fact she has been the one plotting to try and stop him from the beginning, sending in various traps and hindrances to interfere with his voyage. Venus' argument was well supported and convincing, while Juno's was in a frenzy, with no support, and was not convincing.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job on keeping up with all your blogging assignments this year! I look forward to new installments over the summer and beyond!
