Monday, August 8, 2016

"The expansion of Europe" Connections

       Given the many negative aspects of the crusading movement-and its eventual failure- how might you explain the continuing appeal of crusading rhetoric down to the present day?

       The continuing appeal of crusading rhetoric down to the present day can be attributed to its attitude and purpose. Although the crusades eventually led to failure, their attitude was one of complete destruction and dislike based on religious differences. This connotation carries over in this word to the present day. So, when this word is used, it is usually referring to something that would be considered an extreme.
       An example of this is on page 267, the author quotes George W. Bush as saying "this crusade, this war on terrorism" This was in response to 9/11, so we can see that he uses this rhetoric in response to a very extreme circumstance. So, we can see that crusading rhetoric still has appeal to this day, not because of its outcome, but what it stands for- something so extreme that it deserves this kind of connotation.

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