3. How does Augustine's behavior as a young boy, especially his first prayer ("By calling upon you I untied the knots of my tongue and begged you, in my little- boy way but with no little earnestness, not to let me be beaten at school.) illustrate his need for a true education?
Augustine's behavior as a young boy illustrated his need for a true education because he had the misconception that his relationship with God was that he was there to grant him his wishes. He did not see that a relationship with God is mutual, and that God is not a genie sent to answer your prayers when you ask for something. He needed an education of God to show him the mercy of God, and to show him that he was on the wrong path. He was on the path of following his passions and desires, and he needed to be shown that there was a better path to take.
Yes, at this point in his life, Augustine has a misguided perception of God. He stands in need of proper education (in the Platonic sense....being led out). However, clearly the education he is receiving at school and at home is not leading him in the right direction.