Why does Dante the pilgrim feel such sympathy for Francesca and Paolo?
Dante feels such sympathy for Francesca and Paolo because they were sent to suffer because of their fleshly passions and conceptions.
How does the punishment fit the crime, or better, how is the sin embodied in the punishment of the lustful?
The punishment fits the crime because Francesca and Paolo are destined to re-live their affair- which shows that the sin is embodied in the punishment of the lustful because they are given over eternally to their lustful desires as punishment, which is what they wanted in their life.
Why is lust regarded as the least serious sin in hell?
Lust is regarded as the least serious sin in hell because it isnt as much corruption of reason as it is corruption of the body. The other circles are worse because to Dante the poet human intellect is regarded highly, so when that becomes corrupted it is more serious but since this is just corruption of the body, it is not as serious
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